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The BIBLE is the ancient book of TRUTH for it speaks the TRUTH that is not old or new but is ETERNAL. The BIBLE Is the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth for it surely holds the three keys to GOD. LOVE. ONENESS THROUGH JESUS CHRIST, and GOD. In this way the BIBLE is A LETTER FROM THE PAST ABOUT THE PRESENT THAT WILL SURELY COME TO PASS for the only thing that is happening here is LAW and CREATION in direct relationship to GODS LAWS about LOVE. The BiBLE is the ULTIMATE BOOK OF PROPHECY for the highets prophecies of our LORD and SAVOR JESUS CHRIST who is GOD are held within. The BIBLE is a story of GOD'S LOVE for throughout the BIBLE it hold's stories of men who are LOVED by GOD and although they go against their great creator GOD still LOVES THEM ANYWAY. The BIBLE is a BOOK about the nature of sacrifice. For if you sacrifice enough for GOD GOD will sacrifice for you. We sacrified animals until GOD said I will come and sacrifice myself and then their shall be no more sacrifices as our LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. The BIBLE is the ultimate book on the nature of man for we are born into sin but we are freed from it through JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD AND SAVIOR. The Bible is the ORIGINAL BOOK OF LOVE for it preaches that LOVE is the ONLY LAW OF GOD THAT MATTERS AND TO LOVE GOD IN THE WAY HE COMMANDS IS THE HIGHEST MISSION OF ALL MEN. AS SUCH WE PREACH THE BIBLE AND ONLY THE BIBLE FOR WITHIN IT HOLD THE MYSTERIES OF OUR LIVES ANSWERED. 

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